

The World Bank’s environmental and social safeguard policies will guide the implementation of RPLRP investments. The objective of these policies is to prevent and mitigate undue harm to people and their environment in the development process. These policies provide guidelines for bank and borrower staffs in the identification, preparation, and implementation of projects that have effect on environment and livelihoods of the people in which development is to be done. These have with time increased the effectiveness and development impact of projects and programs supported by the Bank. Safeguard policies have often provided a platform for the participation of stakeholders in project design, and have been an important instrument for building ownership among local populations

The project triggered a number of safeguard policies as indicated below;

a. Environmental Assessment (OP4.01)
b. Pest Management (OP 4.09)
c. Involuntary Resettlement (OP 4.12)
d. Indigenous People (OP 4.10)

The RPLRP conducted the following safeguard studies and produced the following reports which will guide the safeguards team in implementing the safeguards 2015/2016 plan

Environmental and social Management framework (ESMF):)
Integrated Pest management framework(IPMF);
Social Assessment(SA)
Resettlement Policy Framework(RPF);)
Vulnerable and Marginalized Groups Framework(VMGF)).

These reports were disclosed in the website of the MALF on 26th and 28th November 2013  (Copies of the reports are available at all County PIUs).

Safeguards studies are likely to be carried out in the proposed activities as below

Component 1: Natural resource management, construction and rehabilitation of earth dams, shallow wells, water pans, rock catchment, and boreholes.

Component 2: Market Access and Trade, Construction and rehabilitation of holding grounds and markets, quarantine facilities, warehouses and laboratories.

Component 3: Irrigation schemes, vaccinations, warehouses, breeding centres and multiplication centres.


Preparation of safeguard studies which include EIA, ESIA, IPMP,RAP
